Friday, October 8, 2010

Julian Rouas Paris sexy

Have you ever gotten ready in the morning, spritzed on your favorite scent, and a couple of hours later you got nothing? This can be exasperating. Why bother to apply scent if it's not going to last? In order to make sure that your uplifting scent lasts through the day or your sexy perfume lasts until the end of your romantic date, follow some or all of these suggestions.

First, be aware that there are different types of scent formulations. Each has a different concentration of fragrance oils. If you use body splash, it literally means to splash it on your body. It is the most diluted type of fragrance. Perfume is the strongest. Depending on the scent itself, it takes very little perfume. You could be having the opposite problem and overwhelming everyone. Be certain that you don't overdo it.

Second, be aware of pulse points. These are the areas of the body that have blood vessels very close to the skin. As the blood pulses, it produces heat. This in turn releases the scent of your perfume. The pulse points are located at the temples, behind the ears, the base of the throat, between the breasts, the wrists, the bend of the elbow, the backs of the knees, and the ankles.

Pay particular attention to the pulse points at the backs of the knees and the ankles. Since scent travels upward, these scent locations are very important. And most people skip these pulse points when applying perfume.

Another reason scent evaporates quickly is because of dry skin. Perfumes contain alcohol. So they can evaporate quickly. A way to prolong this is to apply lotion before perfume. A lotion that is the same scent is an excellent way to extend your perfume's lasting power. But if you don't have a matching lotion, apply an unscented lotion. If you decide to use a lotion with a different scent, make sure that it doesn't clash with your perfume. Often you can come up with unique and pleasing scent combinations. An example would be vanilla scented lotion applied before using a musk perfume.

Along the same line as using a lotion with the same scent is using soaps, body washes, powders, and even shampoos with the same fragrance as your perfume. Many more perfumes are coming out with extended product lines of their scents using additional bath products.

Your perfume can also be extended by spraying some onto your clothing. This should be tested first on a small inconspicuous area on the inside of your garment. Check to make sure that the perfume will not stain before applying it to the outside of your clothes.

An alternative to actually spraying perfume onto your clothing is to wear a scent locket or a scent ring. If you like this type of jewelry, it works great. A scent locket or ring contains a small compartment to place a small piece of cloth or cotton ball which has been sprayed liberally with your perfume. The rings are often called poison rings. An internet search turns up many websites that sell this unique jewelry. The heat from your body releases the scent as you wear the jewelry.

Then, of course, as a fail-safe guarantee, carry a small travel-size spritzer bottle of your favorite perfume to give yourself a quick spritzer during your lunch break or while in the powder room.


red bull

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Julian Rouas Paris Julian Rouas Paris Julian Rouas Paris Julian Rouas Paris

The first reaction for most of us to the raw food movement might be utter disbelief. After all, how can human beings not only survive, but thrive, while eating nothing but raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains? (A strict raw food diet does not allow any cooked food, and it is a vegan diet, meaning no meat or dairy products.)

Dave Klein acknowledges that the diet is a major change for most people, but he also notes that even mainstream nutrition is moving toward raw fruits and vegetables, even if they don't take it to the extremes of raw food proponents. "Even the mainstream sources are telling people to eat more fruits and vegetables," he explains.

But find a raw food follower, and Klein says it's also likely that you'll be looking at someone who is healthy, happy, and full of energy. "Raw fooders are mostly slim, vibrant, and healthy."

If the call for more energy makes you want to reach for your double-cream latte, consider Klein's estimate that as many as three quarters of current raw food followers chose the diet as a result of severe health problems, many of which were caused by the typical American diet.

In fact, Klein's own story is one he aptly describes as being saved "at the 11th hour" by his discovery of raw food eating.
In his late teens, Klein began a ten-year odyssey of increasing illness. He reached a health and personal nadir when, while still in his 20s, doctors gave him a diagnosis of ulcerative colitis, then recommended removing his colon or taking fistfuls of experimental, immune-suppressing drugs.

Klein came to realize that his predicament was directly tied to his diet, which was full of a lot of red meat and junk food.
Over the next several years, Klein's energy returned, his body healed, and he began to incorporate exercise and yoga into his regular routine.

Today, Klein is healthy, happy, and a strong proponent of the raw food diet. He is also the editor and publisher of Living Nutrition(R), an ad-free magazine dedicated to helping others along the raw food path. He also works with individuals who want to change their diets to raw foods, and with others operates and the annual "Rawstock" festivals. (The next Rawstock occurs in August in Klein's home base of Sebastopol, making the North Bay city a veritable capital of raw food culture.)

Although dedicated to the raw food cause, Klein is definitely not shrill. "Some people make a gradual change which can take 10 or 20 years, while other people will plunge right into it," he says. "Some people find the detox too difficult. Some people fall off the path for social reasons." But Klein focuses more on the progress, not the status. "But if they include more fruits and vegetables, year by year, they improve." He also acknowledges that some followers allow limited amounts of dairy products, cheese or yogurt, for example, rather than a strictly raw food approach.

But one part of the raw food experience seems to include a reduction in speed. "One of the goals is to enjoy eating without being rushed, without the television on. The goal is to become healthier and more relaxed."

Klein also encourages people to work with a health coach familiar with the raw food diet, such as himself. At the same time, he discourages a recipe-book approach. "Raw food recipe books tend to be designed to sell, so they include attractive recipes that have too many ingredients or seem too complex, and they put people off," he explains.

Advisors such as himself, he points out, "teach people simple eating, so everything digests and we don't eat haphazardly."

Science of Sleep by Severine.

ah , the kiss  (let's have safe sex) by cariocando

Julian Rouas Paris Julian Rouas Paris Julian Rouas Paris
drink mixers
drink mix
5 hour energy
Contemporary Glass Shower Door Dividers Julian Rouas Paris

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Julian Rouas Paris Julian Rouas Paris Julian Rouas Paris Julian Rouas Paris

Vegetarian Indian food recipes are great to make at home. Using recipes to create Indian meals at home is a great way to save money and introduce your friends and family to authentic Indian food. While some of the recipes can be complicated and take some time, others are very simple and can create a rewarding an inexpensive meal. Some vegetarian Indian recipes are also great for Vegans. Here are a few of my favorites to make at home. I only include on involved on, the Vada Curry. This dish can become more simple each tie you make it.

Aloo Ka Bhartha (Better known as Boiled Potatoes)

5 large potatoes, Boiled and peeled
2 Onions, Chopped finely
2 Green Chiles, Chopped finely
3 Coriander leaves, Chopped finely
1 Tsp Mustard oil
1/2 Tsp Salt
½ Tsp Chili Powder
½ Tsp Jeera, Roasted and powdered

Place the potatoes in a large boil and mash them into large chunks. Do not make them completely smooth. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well. Serve warm.

Aloo Curry

1 lb Potatoes, peeled, boiled, and cut into small pieces
2 Onions
4 Green Chilies, chopped
2 Tomatoes, chopped
3 Tbsp oil
Mustard and Cumin seeds, to taste
1 Tsp, Coriander powder
1 Sprig Curry leaves
½ Cup Water
Salt, to taste

Begin by heating the oil in a pan. Season the oil with the mustard and cumin seeds to taste. Add the curry leaves and fry for about three minutes. Next, add the green chilies and onions. Fry them for about five minutes. Add the tomatoes and cook until soft. Now, add the potatoes and stir well. Add the water and salt to taste. Continue cooking until the water evaporates. Lastly, add the coriander powder and remove the dish from the heat. Garnish with coriander leaves.

Cashew Rice

2 Cups Rice, cooked
3 Tbsp. Cashews, roasted and powdered
Salt, to taste
2 Tbsp Dried Coconut
1 Pinch Tumeric powder
1 Pinch of Asafoetida
¼ Tsp. Mustard Seeds
2 Red Chilies
2 Tbsp oil
3 Coriander leaves, chopped

Heat the oil in a pan. Add the mustard seed, red chilies and asafetida. When combined add the cooked rice. Follow with remaining ingredients. Stir to combine and garnish with chopped coriander leaves. This dish can be served with curd.

Vada Curry

1 Cup Channa Daal (gram lentils)
2 Tbsp Green Coriander, chopped
2 Green Chilies, chopped
2 Medium Onions chopped
1 Tbsp Black Mustard seeds
10 – 15 Curry Leaves
1 Tbsp Ginger Paste
2 Tomatoes, chopped
2 Tbsp Gram Flour, mixed with 1 cup water
1 Tsp Coriander powder
1 Tsp Chili powder
½ Tsp Garam Marsala

Wash the gram lentils and soak them in water for 15 minutes. Next, drain the water and grind them coarsely. Add salt, the green coriander, and the green chilies. Heat a few inches of oil in a pot. Fry spoonfuls of this mixture in the oil to make small size vadey. They should be fried until golden and then drained on a paper towel. In another pan heat 3 tablespoons of oil. Add the onion and fry until they are golden. Add the black mustard seeds and curry leaves. Continue to fry for three minutes. Add the ginger paste and fry for three more minutes. Next, add the tomatoes, salt, coriander powder, chili powder, and garam marsala. Fry this until the oil separates. Add the besan-water (the gram flour mixed with water) and bring to a boil. Finally, add the fired vadey, mix well and cover. This should simmer for 5 minutes. This dish is wonderful accompanied by lemon rice.

Isla de Providencia, Columbia, Nicaragua (NASA, International Space Station Science, 04/17/10) by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center

R&R 006 | Sex and the City by Karin Elizabeth (USA)

Julian Rouas Paris Julian Rouas Paris Julian Rouas Paris

Julian Rouas Paris Julian Rouas Paris Julian Rouas Paris Julian Rouas Paris

If you are ever in Houston and are hungry for something exotic and tastey,  exit Highway 59 at Kirby, go north to Richmond, turn right, and on the left one will find one of India’s great import’s to Houston, Texas. The Khyber Grill has been serving Northern Indian food to hungry Houstonians of discriminating tastes for over a dozen years. It is considered by many the finest place to eat Indian food in Houston, if not in all of south east Texas,

Upon entering the Indian food establishment, one will be assaulted by the heady aroma of Indian spices and the sound of sizzling meat in the clay, tandoori ovens. If one is not already hungry for Indian food by that time, one will surely be within seconds of entering the Khyber Grill.

For an appetizer, one cannot go wrong with an order of samoosas, a flaky opastry filled with vegetables. A good alternative is an order of saag paneer, a kind of grilled cheese mixed with spices.

With the main meal, be sure to have some lassi, a kind of yogurt based shake. It comes sweet or salty, but this reviewer recommends the sweet.

For the main meal, one can order tandoori, a kind of North Indian barbeque. Bits of meat, such as chicken or lamb, are stuck on skewers and are grilled inside deep ovens made out of clay. The best the Khyber Grill has to offer is a garlicy Chicken Afghani. Chicken Tikka, and other tandoori dishes with lamb or sea food are also available.

Curry, a trdaitional staple of Indian food, is another good alternative. One can get them with chicken, lamb, or sea food in varying degrees of heat. The hottest curry would be a Vindaloo, which by all accounts is heavily spiced with gun powder. It is not for the faint hearted and should be accompanied by a full pitcher of water.

There are various vegetarian dishes available, including rice pillou. Main curry dishes come with sides of rice, raita (a kind of cool, yogurt salad) a cucumber and tomato based salad, and naan, a succulent Indian bread that is grilled in the tandoori oven. Orders of various kinds of naan, stuffed with onions or raisins and other good things, are also available.

There are some tasty desserts available as well. The rice pudding is especially delightful.

But sure to check the outside marquee. For more than seven years now, Khyber Grill's Mickey Kapoor has been using his marquee to taunt the neighboring Pappadeaux's. When the seafood restaurant wrote, "Hiring today 3 to 5," Kapoor replied, "My, You Do Start Them Young!" When Pappadeaux posted, "Happy Hour 4 to 6," Khyber responded, "DWI 8 to 12." When the establishment bragged, "Our Softshelled Crabs Will Reach Out and Grab You," Kapoor fired back, "Pervert!" People in Houston have been known to drive out of their way just to see what the restaurateur will come up with next, and so far the targets of Kapoor's barbs have taken them all in good stride.

City of Arts and Sciences: detail. Photo # 3 by Salva del Saz

Sex and the City for you, again... by Elettra Gausman - Orage Creations

Julian Rouas Paris Julian Rouas Paris Julian Rouas Paris Julian Rouas Paris Julian Rouas Paris Julian Rouas Paris Julian Rouas Paris Julian Rouas Paris Julian Rouas Paris Julian Rouas Paris Julian Rouas Paris Julian Rouas Paris Julian Rouas Paris Julian Rouas Paris

Monday, October 4, 2010

Julian Rouas Paris

When I discovered that the perfume I was about to review had a ginormous price tag of $1,500... I nearly had a heart attack. Especially seeing how my mom picked this bottle up for only $1.00. Yep, $1.00 for a $1,500 bottle of perfume.

It pays to shop at thrift stores girls! So nyah to everyone who judged me based on my thrift store purchases.

For $1.00 approximately one week ago my mom walked out of our local thrift store with a pretty bottle of perfume. Today while looking for pricing information and availability of this perfume, I realized what she had found was more than what we could of ever imagined.

A 0.5 ounce bottle of Donna Karan Chaos. It turns out DKNY Chaos is a rare, highly sought after, discontinued, expensive fragrance. Who knew?!


The 0.5 ounce bottle is probably the most unique thing about it, and with momma Dukes being a collector of crystal, she bought it for it's appearance. Who would of thought at the time that her $1.00 find was seriously a down payment on a car?! Woo-Hoo! The 0.5 ounce bottle comes in a perfume bottle made of Falcon Crystal. It is long, and narrow, and quite frankly the most beautiful bottle in her collection.

Due to it's narrow crystal slim cut, it cannot be placed upright. You can however leave it in the box, or place it down.

The Scent:

Now when I first inhaled DKNY Chaos, I was not very impressed. To me Chaos smelled like pencil shavings, and burnt wood. Chaos apparently is not for me. I love woody outdoor scents, but Chaos is too strong for my likings. It just reminds me of a lumber yard; for some this is a lovely fragrance...but me...meh.

After discovering that Chaos was so pricey, I tried giving it the benefit of the doubt. I mean hell, there has to be a reason it's so costly. After giving Chaos another try, (which was hard to do, seeing how every frigging spray shot cost nearly $70.00 or more per shot, considering 0.5 ounces does not get you far. However I had to try Chaos once more for this reviews sake).

A more elaborate summary of the rare Chaos scent:

For the first 2 hours I smelled like pencil shavings. However Donna Karan Chaos took on another mild scent the longer I wore it. I was now able to smell a more subtle amber scent, which was likable...but not worth $1,500!

As more time progressed the woodsy scent turned into a more subtle cedar mixed with musk. I actually began to like it more and more as the initial scent faded.

As I looked into Chaos even more, I learned that it contains the rare Agarwood as a fragrance note. Agarwood makes Chaos smell so darn woodsy. It comes from the Asian Aquilaria tree. Due to the low number of these trees, Agarwood is more rare, which makes it more expensive...which is why Donna Karan's Chaos is so highly sought after...yet discontinued.


DKNY Chaos stood with me for the entire day, and was still detectable into the night.

Pricing and Availability:

DKNY Chaos is very expensive, and only serious lovers of the scent would pay such a high price. The 0.5 ounce Falcon Crystal bottle of Chaos goes for around $1,500, or less on ebay. However I learned that larger bottle of Chaos sell for a bit less. I assume it is because the larger bottles are mode of glass, and not crystal. Either way though, Chaos; no matter what size bottle it comes in, asks for a hearty lump of cash.

For those interested in perhaps purchasing Chaos, click here.


DKNY Chaos is expensive, for some worth the price tag. For me though...moms bottle is landing a spot on ebay. I find that the price is just too ridiculous for what you are actually getting.


red bull

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Julian rouas paris perfume

Sea sex and sun by kiwipecora

pressure sensitive labels

It has been the dream of many people to create their own fashion business. This may have been a dream they have nurtured since their early childhood. However, if the opportunity  of creating a Fashion Design Business did not arrive at an appropriate working age and the distractions of every day life took control of their time, then eventually they would have lost the dream for several years.

Nature has a way of giving us what we really want in life. There will come a time when the dream of owning a fashion design business will return in full force. It will creep up suddenly until it takes over every thought of your time. You'll find yourself reading all the fashion magazine and articles, doodling sketches on every scrap piece of paper, visualising designs and eventually you will have no alternative but to put your dream into action.

The first thing you will have to take into account is the 'where' of your fashion business. What a lot of people don't realise is that many fashion designers started their  businesses as a home business in their kitchens, garages or spare rooms. The fashion business is the sort of business which could be started from home and on a very tight budget.

Bruce Oldfied and Laura Ashley were two such designers who started this way and went on to create extremely successful international fashion design businesses. They, amongst other designers, have enthused many to live out their dream of becoming successful fashion designers themselves.

Working in the fashion business is very exciting and exhilarating. There are times when the adrenaline will be flowing. You'll feel ecstatic with happiness because everything is running better than you expected. On the other hand, there will be times when you will be in absolute despair because of the amount of work you have to complete within given target times and all because your designs were so successful!. You'll constantly be finding inspiration for your designs, therefore one very important tool you will always have to have at hand is a notebook to take notes before the inspiration disappears.

There is only one way to start your fashion business and that is, just do it. 

So many people in the world would be successful today if they had followed those three little words.

Create your designs in speed. [Why speed, you are probably wondering. ] This is because, if you keep waiting to get it right, you may never get it going. You will need stacks of tenacity and determination but if you keep a picture in mind of owning your own successful fashion business, then nothing is going to stop you. 


Saturday, October 2, 2010

Unwind and chill

"To be somebody you must last." ~ Ruth Gordon

Food Icons: How have food icons sustained their popularity throughout the years? Why don't they don't age the way that we do? Tony The Tiger looks the same as when I was five years old and both The Pillsbury Doughboy and Charlie The Tuna bear not a single wrinkle upon their well advertised brows! Read on for their secrets and a smile or two.

From the valley of the Jolly Green Giant and the floors of Mr. Clean to the pastures of Elsie The Cow and the kitchen of The Campbell Kids, lies the fickle realm of television advertising where cartoons are born and cultural food icons are made. There's a thin line between a trademark and a food icon and it's one that not all cartoons pass with flying or other colors. Most of the more famous television food icons began their lives as animated trademarks; that is, they were used to represent a specific product. Born on the high-powered wings of the media (although not able to leap tall buildings in a single bound), these symbols have maintained the growing tide of their own fame. How many can recall the pleasing voice and face of Miss Chiquita Banana, luring us into the healthful world of the banana? Who could ever forget Charlie The Tuna, Tony The Tiger and The Pillsbury Doughboy? They too belong in the realm of television cultural food icons, but the question is: How did they get there in the first place?

Chiquita Banana is the oldest of the lot mentioned above. (I should never say that about a "fellow" female, but the truth is the truth.) She dates back to 1941 when Dik Brown, the same artist who produced the Campbell Soup Kids, created her. She helped teach consumers about the nutritional value of bananas and how to ripen them. The first live "lady of fruit" was Miss Patty Clayton in 1944. The most famous Miss Chiquita was Elsa Miranda (no relation to Carmen) who made numerous personal appearances in 1945 and 1946.

Miss Chiquita first appeared on labels to identify the Chiquita Brand bananas in 1963. Her likeness remained unchanged for years and she eventually reached the ranks of media immortality (icon-dom). Until 1987 she was a sexy banana lady, but still a cartoon. And then all that changed. Whether or not bananas pass through puberty may always remain a moot point, but artist Oscar Grillo, who created the Pink Panther, most definitely transformed Miss Chiquita into a sultry yellow lady with a mission. You can hear her lilting pleas for all humans to eat bananas in her own seductive words at:

Charlie The Tuna, that striving go-getter fish of the 1960s, is another character forever immortalized by the powers that media be. He made his debut on American television in a commercial for Starkist in 1961. All his machinations to be selected by Starkist for lovers of fine tuna have always resulted in failure and the salty old soul has always been forced to bear the rebuke in actor Herschel Bernardi's voice: "Sorry Charlie. Starkist doesn't want tuna with good taste. Starkist wants tuna that tastes good."

In Pago, Pago, American Samoa, the home of the Starkist canning factory, Charlie lives on in the form of a statue dedicated to his image. In case you can't find him, he's the jaunty-looking tuna on top of the pedestal wearing glasses and a red hat. A sign below him reads: "Home of Charlie The Tuna." Perhaps it is his tenacity and our need to root for the underdog that keeps Charlie forever in our hearts. Or maybe, alas, it's simply clever advertising. I'm afraid that only his ad agency knows for sure!

Back in 1952, the Kellogg Company held a contest to see who would represent their new cereal called: "Sugar Frosted Flakes of Corn." The contestants were Katie The Kangaroo, Elmo The Elephant, Newt the Gnu and Tony The Tiger. Tony was declared the winner, although it was nip and tuck with Katie the Kangaroo for a while. In 1953, Tony became the sole spokes-cartoon for Kellogg's "Sugar Frosted Flakes" cereal. Tony Jr. (originally referred to as "boy" and later as "son") made appearances along with Tony Sr. who obviously had paternity denial issues for a while.

Thurl Ravenscroft, whose career in radio, film and television has spanned more than 60 years, is and always has been the voice behind Tony the Tiger. Thurl had been well known in the field of jingles and commercials as part of a quartet known as The Mellomen. Kellogg sent him a sample script along with a character description and his active imagination did the rest! The pay-off line was always: "Tony, are Frosted Flakes any good?" And Tony would always say: "Good? Why they're great!" It was Thurl who came up with the much more explosive and effective: "Gr-r-r-r-r-eat!!"

The Pillsbury Doughboy was created by an ad agency called Leo Burnett. Pacific Data Images, a pioneer in the work of computer graphics for film and video, created the animated version of the lovable figure for the commercials. In October of 1965, the 14 ounce, 8 3/4 inch character made his television debut advertising Crescent Rolls. His original voice was that of actor, Paul Fries (1920-86). The Doughboy's co-star in the commercial was Maureen McCormick. He started his career with another name: Poppin' Fresh. He is all dough with blue eyes and always wears a baker's hat and scarf. His hometown is Minneapolis; he loves to bake and twenty years ago he had a wife and two children.

A mock funeral from a master of puns added the following paragraphs about his passing in the Spring of 2002:

"The Pillsbury Doughboy died yesterday of a yeast infection and complications from repeated pokes in the belly. He was 71.

"Doughboy was buried in a lightly greased coffin. Dozens of celebrities turned out to pay their respects, including Mrs. Butterworth, Hungry Jack, the California Raisins, Betty Crocker, the Hostess Twinkies and Captain Crunch. The gravesite was piled high with flours. Aunt Jemima delivered the eulogy and lovingly described Doughboy as a man for all seasonings who never knew how much he was kneaded.

"Doughboy rose quickly in the show business, but his later life was filled with turnovers. He was not considered a ‘very smart cookie', wasting much of his dough on half-baked schemes. Despite being a bit flaky sometimes, he was still considered a roll model for millions."Doughboy is survived by his wife, Play-Dough, two children, John Dough and Jane Dough; plus they had one in the oven. He is also survived by his elderly father, Pop Tart.

"The funeral was held at 3:50 for about twenty minutes."

Napoleon once said (and he should know) that glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever. It is not known if the sister saying: "beauty fades, but stupid is forever" came from his mouth as well. Regardless, the man had a point. Time passes and what remains is only the whisper of recall to remind us of what once was. Miss Chiquita, the Campbell Kids, Tony the Tiger, Charlie The Tuna and the Doughboy are all mini legends in their own special way. They are all impressed deeply within my mind's eye where cultural icons never die and don't even get the chance to fade away!

Energy Drinks

Introducing – "GM Food" by Frozen Photon



If you are ever in Houston and are hungry for something exotic and tastey,  exit Highway 59 at Kirby, go north to Richmond, turn right, and on the left one will find one of India’s great import’s to Houston, Texas. The Khyber Grill has been serving Northern Indian food to hungry Houstonians of discriminating tastes for over a dozen years. It is considered by many the finest place to eat Indian food in Houston, if not in all of south east Texas,

Upon entering the Indian food establishment, one will be assaulted by the heady aroma of Indian spices and the sound of sizzling meat in the clay, tandoori ovens. If one is not already hungry for Indian food by that time, one will surely be within seconds of entering the Khyber Grill.

For an appetizer, one cannot go wrong with an order of samoosas, a flaky opastry filled with vegetables. A good alternative is an order of saag paneer, a kind of grilled cheese mixed with spices.

With the main meal, be sure to have some lassi, a kind of yogurt based shake. It comes sweet or salty, but this reviewer recommends the sweet.

For the main meal, one can order tandoori, a kind of North Indian barbeque. Bits of meat, such as chicken or lamb, are stuck on skewers and are grilled inside deep ovens made out of clay. The best the Khyber Grill has to offer is a garlicy Chicken Afghani. Chicken Tikka, and other tandoori dishes with lamb or sea food are also available.

Curry, a trdaitional staple of Indian food, is another good alternative. One can get them with chicken, lamb, or sea food in varying degrees of heat. The hottest curry would be a Vindaloo, which by all accounts is heavily spiced with gun powder. It is not for the faint hearted and should be accompanied by a full pitcher of water.

There are various vegetarian dishes available, including rice pillou. Main curry dishes come with sides of rice, raita (a kind of cool, yogurt salad) a cucumber and tomato based salad, and naan, a succulent Indian bread that is grilled in the tandoori oven. Orders of various kinds of naan, stuffed with onions or raisins and other good things, are also available.

There are some tasty desserts available as well. The rice pudding is especially delightful.

But sure to check the outside marquee. For more than seven years now, Khyber Grill's Mickey Kapoor has been using his marquee to taunt the neighboring Pappadeaux's. When the seafood restaurant wrote, "Hiring today 3 to 5," Kapoor replied, "My, You Do Start Them Young!" When Pappadeaux posted, "Happy Hour 4 to 6," Khyber responded, "DWI 8 to 12." When the establishment bragged, "Our Softshelled Crabs Will Reach Out and Grab You," Kapoor fired back, "Pervert!" People in Houston have been known to drive out of their way just to see what the restaurateur will come up with next, and so far the targets of Kapoor's barbs have taken them all in good stride.

Energy Drinks

Food Offering To Monk / พระภิกษุสามเณรออกบิณฑบาต by AmpamukA



With the increasing numbers of hunger across the United States, every little bit counts when it comes to donations and collecting food for the hungry. You can contribute by organizing your own food dirve in you community, town, office, or school. The contributions to local food pantries help immensely, not only during the winter months. Many food pantries have ‘high’ and ‘low’ times of year where their food supplies are minimal and need your support! Take part in a good cause and organize a food drive; simplicity can lead to success, and here are eight steps to lead you towards a rewarding opportunity:

1. Contact your local food pantries, food banks and and shelters, to check and see where your contributions are best suited. Some pantries already organize large-scale food drives, and may be willing to sponsor your local one complete with advertising materials, incentives, and public relations rewards. This initial contact will also help identify what is most needed in your area, or in selecting a neighborhood. 

2. Create a theme. This will create a memorable design for your food drive, and will likely be rememberd most by everyone that you will pitch to. A theme will give your food drive an extra boost visually, and help to gather specific donors as well. 

3. Create a goal. Whether it’s one hundred cans of non-perishable items, or a dollar amount of food, make it clear to all participants what the goal is for your particular food drive. Oftentimes this is enough to get people interested and invoved, and will help generate easier donations.

4. Make a list of potential donors: this will include local grocery and food companies, corporations, and organizations that may be able to donate larger sums of donations or food. These may also help make your food drive more prominent in the local community. Individual donors will be your friends, family, and coworkers and you can draft a list of potentials to pitch to.

5. Do some market research: look for companies that will match your donations; sometimes corporate sponsors are willing to coordinate with you to match a certain amount of food or donations, and can help make your food drive a successful event!

6. Pick a date or structure: Decide if you will host an event for donations to be bought to a specific location, or if this will be an ongoing effort of collecting donations and then reporting the final numbers at a later date.

7. Create an e-mail bulletin. This will go out to all potential donors, local press, or even just your contacts list to generate interest. If your food drive is taking place at a specific location, include all details here. If it will be an ongoing effort, you will need to make it easy and clear as to where donations are to be taken, and what is acceptable. 

8. Acknowledge contributions creatively. Choose to thank each individual, donor, and sponsor in a unique way. Not only will this create a good network for future drives, but will also ensure that credit is given appropriately to all those who participate.

Organizing a successful food drive does involve some creative thinking, promotional skills, organization, and strategy. If you can get a large group of volunteers, friends, and coworkers involved, it can help to generate interest and donors for a very important cuase. Don’t wait until winter to organize a food drive! Most food banks and pantries will gladly accept donations year round, and can help you find many resources you may need in the process.

Energy Drinks

Japanese Traditional New Years Food: お節料理 by Karenglynn

Red Bull

Relaxation Techniques

Among all of the wonderful and memorable milestones your baby reaches, one of the most exciting is starting him on solid foods. Depending on what your pediatrician recommends, babies can start eating solids anywhere from 4 to 6 months of age, and rice cereal seems to be the top choice of first foods to introduce to your little one.

When my son turned 5 months old, I started feeding him rice cereal, followed by oatmeal, yellow veggies, green veggies, and then fruits. I waited the suggested five days in between introducing new foods to watch for allergic reactions but was always so excited and ready to see how he would like the next new flavor. He took to all of them, with the exception of strained peas, like a fish to water.

During this time, my best friend sent me a copy of the book, Super Baby Food, by Ruth Yaron and it quickly became my baby food bible. This book contains everything you need to know about feeding your baby and toddler. It includes suggestions as to what to feed your baby during each month of his first year, amounts, temperature, and much more to ensure your baby is receiving proper nourishment. This book also gave me an abundance of tips and ideas for making my son homemade baby food and quick meals and snacks that we could both enjoy.

Now, I am not the kitchen-wiz, Martha Stewart-esque type of mom, so at first I was a bit daunted by the thought of making baby food. I imagined myself covered head to toe in spinach and sweet potatoes while my steamer and blender worked overtime, but I was pleasantly surprised at how quick and easy it really was.

I had been feeding my son Nature's Own organic baby food at the time I got the book, and he was enjoying it immensely as both nutrition and a facial masque! So, I decided to continue using all of the flavors that Nature's Own carries and that I would make homemade baby food in flavors that didn't already come in jars. I set up my rice/veggie steamer and cooked asparagus, broccolli, cauliflower, bell peppers, zucchini, kale, edamame, beets, and pumpkin, pureed them in the blender and poured each into ice cube trays. After they had frozen, I would transfer the veggie cubes to freezer bags, and voila homemade goodness! And all this would take me less than 20 minutes for about two weeks worth of veggies.

Now that my son is a toddler and eating chunky foods, I continue to implement a lot of tips from Super Baby Food to ensure that he is getting the best nutrition possible. I still steam and puree some veggies when he is going through a "no green food" stage so that I can hide them in his quesadillas or pasta sauce, and I also like to add nutritious supplements to his foods. For example, in his morning bowl of oatmeal I will add fruit, and flaxseed meal which is an excellent source of Omega-3's and lignins. 

When I give him yogurt, I like to add extra fruit, mashed tofu for added protein, oat bran or wheat germ, and molasses which is high in calcium, iron, and potassium. I tend to stay away from pre-flavored yogurts since they have added sugar, and buy plain which is then sweetened by the fruit and molasses. Stonyfield Farms makes an organic yogurt for babies, Yo-Baby, which comes in fruit and vanilla flavors, so I will use that at times as well. For his veggies, rather than use butter, I like to add some olive oil and a dash of kelp powder which is a good source of iodine and promotes thyroid health.

We owe it to our children to give them the best start in life, and fueling their little bodies properly is essential. There are a plethora of wonderful books available that list healthy meal ideas, tips for making homemade baby food, and more. Super Baby Food happened to be my favorite and I recommend it without hesitation.

Energy Drinks

~ Did I Hear Someone Say "Food" ~ by pbluejay


Relaxing the real way

Pizza, pasta and pepperoni, oh, my! If you’re like me and you love Italian food, but want more of a down-to-earth place with very reasonable prices, then have I got some secret spots to share with you.

Dino’s Pizzeria
7004 W Higgins Ave
Chicago, IL 60656

Dino's has to be one of the best treasures on the Northwest side. Excellent food, friendly staff and a large dining area complete with a killer jukebox and an adjoining bar and beer garden. I highly recommend their Wednesday special which includes a large order of pasta with meatballs or sausage, soup and salad , all for the super low price of $6.99. You can also get a ‘buy one/get one’ deal on pizza. Mmmmmm, PIZZA!! You may also enjoy their football sized beef sandwiches hearty enough for the biggest jocks.

Amici Ristorante
7620 N Milwaukee Ave
Niles, IL 60714

Many locals enjoy visiting this authentic and charming restaurant. The food is prepared fresh, with quality olive oil, real tomatoes, and a lot of homemade touches. The menu is extensive and includes everything from pasta, chicken, steak, seafood and great appetizers. They do catering and serve lunch and dinner. On a recent visit, my family and I (about 7 of us) all had a great meal. Everything we tried was excellent. We had the lasagne, angel hair, meatballs, stuffed eggplant parm and we were all very happy. The cream of tomato rice soup and the turtle dessert were also winners with this happy clan!

Joe’s Pizza
5747 W Higgins Ave
Chicago, IL 60630

A very special place to me. Great food, warm and welcoming staff and always-reliable delivery service. The pizza and pasta are excellent and one of my fave foods around. They also have a great chicken parmesan dinner that comes with salad and side of pasta for under $10. The dining area is really cute and comfy with pix on the walls of everyone from old-time movie stars and the 3 Stooges (nyuk nyuk) to classic films and legendary icons

Mama Luna’s Pizza and Pasta
5109 W Fullerton Ave
Chicago, IL 60639

After years of ordering in, I decided to check out the restaurant live and in person. Wow , was I in for a treat. We were greeted by a sweet lady (possibly Mama herself?) who knew we hadn't been there before so she went out of her way to make us feel like we were either famous or family! The dining room was lovely, and the food was wonderful. We tried the pizza and pasta and both kept us happy and talking for days. Go and visit Mama and you will not be disappointed.

Father & Son Pizza
2475 N Milwaukee Ave
Chicago, IL 60647

This place is such a sentimental favorite of mine. My family used to take me here when I was just a baby, and I still love it to this day. I went here a couple weeks ago and had a great time. They have a five cheese and tomato gourmet pizza that was excellent. I also had the Italian salad which was big enough for two. The broasted chicken with potatoes is also very good.

Energy Drinks

Street Food in Pakistan : Jalebis by friend_faraway * Countdown 2 Greece

5 Hour Energy

Relaxation Techniques

"To be somebody you must last." ~ Ruth Gordon

Food Icons: How have food icons sustained their popularity throughout the years? Why don't they don't age the way that we do? Tony The Tiger looks the same as when I was five years old and both The Pillsbury Doughboy and Charlie The Tuna bear not a single wrinkle upon their well advertised brows! Read on for their secrets and a smile or two.

From the valley of the Jolly Green Giant and the floors of Mr. Clean to the pastures of Elsie The Cow and the kitchen of The Campbell Kids, lies the fickle realm of television advertising where cartoons are born and cultural food icons are made. There's a thin line between a trademark and a food icon and it's one that not all cartoons pass with flying or other colors. Most of the more famous television food icons began their lives as animated trademarks; that is, they were used to represent a specific product. Born on the high-powered wings of the media (although not able to leap tall buildings in a single bound), these symbols have maintained the growing tide of their own fame. How many can recall the pleasing voice and face of Miss Chiquita Banana, luring us into the healthful world of the banana? Who could ever forget Charlie The Tuna, Tony The Tiger and The Pillsbury Doughboy? They too belong in the realm of television cultural food icons, but the question is: How did they get there in the first place?

Chiquita Banana is the oldest of the lot mentioned above. (I should never say that about a "fellow" female, but the truth is the truth.) She dates back to 1941 when Dik Brown, the same artist who produced the Campbell Soup Kids, created her. She helped teach consumers about the nutritional value of bananas and how to ripen them. The first live "lady of fruit" was Miss Patty Clayton in 1944. The most famous Miss Chiquita was Elsa Miranda (no relation to Carmen) who made numerous personal appearances in 1945 and 1946.

Miss Chiquita first appeared on labels to identify the Chiquita Brand bananas in 1963. Her likeness remained unchanged for years and she eventually reached the ranks of media immortality (icon-dom). Until 1987 she was a sexy banana lady, but still a cartoon. And then all that changed. Whether or not bananas pass through puberty may always remain a moot point, but artist Oscar Grillo, who created the Pink Panther, most definitely transformed Miss Chiquita into a sultry yellow lady with a mission. You can hear her lilting pleas for all humans to eat bananas in her own seductive words at:

Charlie The Tuna, that striving go-getter fish of the 1960s, is another character forever immortalized by the powers that media be. He made his debut on American television in a commercial for Starkist in 1961. All his machinations to be selected by Starkist for lovers of fine tuna have always resulted in failure and the salty old soul has always been forced to bear the rebuke in actor Herschel Bernardi's voice: "Sorry Charlie. Starkist doesn't want tuna with good taste. Starkist wants tuna that tastes good."

In Pago, Pago, American Samoa, the home of the Starkist canning factory, Charlie lives on in the form of a statue dedicated to his image. In case you can't find him, he's the jaunty-looking tuna on top of the pedestal wearing glasses and a red hat. A sign below him reads: "Home of Charlie The Tuna." Perhaps it is his tenacity and our need to root for the underdog that keeps Charlie forever in our hearts. Or maybe, alas, it's simply clever advertising. I'm afraid that only his ad agency knows for sure!

Back in 1952, the Kellogg Company held a contest to see who would represent their new cereal called: "Sugar Frosted Flakes of Corn." The contestants were Katie The Kangaroo, Elmo The Elephant, Newt the Gnu and Tony The Tiger. Tony was declared the winner, although it was nip and tuck with Katie the Kangaroo for a while. In 1953, Tony became the sole spokes-cartoon for Kellogg's "Sugar Frosted Flakes" cereal. Tony Jr. (originally referred to as "boy" and later as "son") made appearances along with Tony Sr. who obviously had paternity denial issues for a while.

Thurl Ravenscroft, whose career in radio, film and television has spanned more than 60 years, is and always has been the voice behind Tony the Tiger. Thurl had been well known in the field of jingles and commercials as part of a quartet known as The Mellomen. Kellogg sent him a sample script along with a character description and his active imagination did the rest! The pay-off line was always: "Tony, are Frosted Flakes any good?" And Tony would always say: "Good? Why they're great!" It was Thurl who came up with the much more explosive and effective: "Gr-r-r-r-r-eat!!"

The Pillsbury Doughboy was created by an ad agency called Leo Burnett. Pacific Data Images, a pioneer in the work of computer graphics for film and video, created the animated version of the lovable figure for the commercials. In October of 1965, the 14 ounce, 8 3/4 inch character made his television debut advertising Crescent Rolls. His original voice was that of actor, Paul Fries (1920-86). The Doughboy's co-star in the commercial was Maureen McCormick. He started his career with another name: Poppin' Fresh. He is all dough with blue eyes and always wears a baker's hat and scarf. His hometown is Minneapolis; he loves to bake and twenty years ago he had a wife and two children.

A mock funeral from a master of puns added the following paragraphs about his passing in the Spring of 2002:

"The Pillsbury Doughboy died yesterday of a yeast infection and complications from repeated pokes in the belly. He was 71.

"Doughboy was buried in a lightly greased coffin. Dozens of celebrities turned out to pay their respects, including Mrs. Butterworth, Hungry Jack, the California Raisins, Betty Crocker, the Hostess Twinkies and Captain Crunch. The gravesite was piled high with flours. Aunt Jemima delivered the eulogy and lovingly described Doughboy as a man for all seasonings who never knew how much he was kneaded.

"Doughboy rose quickly in the show business, but his later life was filled with turnovers. He was not considered a ‘very smart cookie', wasting much of his dough on half-baked schemes. Despite being a bit flaky sometimes, he was still considered a roll model for millions."Doughboy is survived by his wife, Play-Dough, two children, John Dough and Jane Dough; plus they had one in the oven. He is also survived by his elderly father, Pop Tart.

"The funeral was held at 3:50 for about twenty minutes."

Napoleon once said (and he should know) that glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever. It is not known if the sister saying: "beauty fades, but stupid is forever" came from his mouth as well. Regardless, the man had a point. Time passes and what remains is only the whisper of recall to remind us of what once was. Miss Chiquita, the Campbell Kids, Tony the Tiger, Charlie The Tuna and the Doughboy are all mini legends in their own special way. They are all impressed deeply within my mind's eye where cultural icons never die and don't even get the chance to fade away!

Energy Drinks

Food of Love by Collin Key

Pressure Sensitive Labels